Wednesday, April 20, 2005

shapin' up season...

finally...after being a member for a good 2 years,my friend and i have decided to hit the gym. by next month, we'll be forcing ourselves to sweat and shape up gold's gym-style. tina dy, the sales director of the gym happily accommodated me and mayah last night. the concept is kind of exciting but i dunno.this is something i should look forward to, not dread.why should i dread it? i paid for the friggin thing.just have to break my back to pay it some more.hay.but come to think of it, everything now comes with a price tag and it's for my health anyway, so i better be happy to shell out the bucks for the pounds --i must say.
oh, i miss playing the cock..(hmmmh) i meant badminton, okey.the shuttlecock.none of my friends are free to play these days. everyone's just so friggin busy.i've to guilty myself.

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