Thursday, December 08, 2005

today could have been the greatest if only...

It was “the” day today.  Earlier today, I was subjected to a critical evaluation by my prof in practicum.  If you’re to ask me how I did? I think I did pretty okey. But the kids were pretty terrible. I mean, they were’nt too cooperative earlier. They were so amazed by my professor’s videocam. Mam Bustos was cool about it though..Said twas understandable... Josh and Jp were particularly obnoxious and grrrrrrrr.  But no sweat, they are my kids after all.  Oh well, if I was gonna get a bad grade, then so be it. I’m not gonna push it.  

I have been out of dream for the past coupla days.  I didn’t show up cuz a chunk of my allergens could be found on that uber shite construction floor.   Aside from the fact that it already caused me a few days off my work calendar, I’ve been spending so much on the expensive drugs to keep me well. Sheesh. It’s so hard when sickness hits you especially if it directly affects your source of income- my voice!  Dang!  

When I had to go home for the afternoon, I was especially sad to find out that our dear Buttercup was feeling really weak all of a sudden. Before the day ended, he bid adieu like Akrho.  I dunno what’s wrong and I could only get sadder. I caught my niece crying in the corner. We basically took care of Cupcup as we would like to call him.  He was this sweet, really playful mixed breed Labrador retriever looking pup.  He was part of Tuni’s first batch of litter.  They were three then …Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup…yup, after the Powerpuff girls. But Cupcup was the only boy in the brood.  Blossom left us earlier on because of a disease. Oh man, I’m getting teary-eyed now.  I love that dog. After Bourghie, he prolly is the next one I really liked.  I dunno…it just came as a big surprise cuz he wasn’t that sick the day before. Oh man.

I dunno…I ought to be happy that I’m recovering well from my allergic bronchitis, and that munny is coming in ever so smoothly even though I’ve to spent so much also again because of my allergies and all…

My sister’s coming home for the holidays, and we’re all excited. After four years, this would be the first time. She’s bringing the husband too.  She already promised us a shopping spree and it got me hearing cash registers and ding ding ding. She’s getting me a new phone.  Yippee… I’m confused as to what I wanna get. It’s a toss between the SE w800i and the w900i… Sony Ericsson’s definitely my brand of choice. I don’t think I could ever go back to Nokia.  But a lot of my friends are actually pimping the N90 … but I’d rather go for the dark horse.  See the thing is if I’d go for the more expensive one, she might not get me other stuff like a new digicam or that nice gym stuff from the Stella Mcartney line of Adidas.  Speaking of gym, I’ve been sidelined by so many things that I wasn’t able to go to gold’s for the entire week. Uh-oh!!!  But I plan to get serious again by next week.  I need to. Ayayayay!!!

Oh well, I’m just thankful I’m still in one piece. Life should get better from here.  

Just wanted to say goodbye to my sweetykins, Cupcup.  Sleep tight my baby Buttercup…Cupcup Baby we’ll miss you!

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